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User Acceptance Testing

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When employed to its full potential, field research done in unique user environments can uncover opportunities to innovate customer experience.

Article by Jessica Weber, John Cheng
Share:Making the Most of Ethnographic Research
7 min read

Avoid creating scuzzy user experiences by studying the oeuvre of Seth Rogen.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Five User Experience Lessons from Seth Rogen
9 min read

Building a bridge between the disparate experiences of IT administrators and end users can improve UX in enterprise software.

Article by Michael Ashley
Share:Rethinking Enterprise UX in the Age of Consumerization
5 min read

He learned the hard way so you don’t have to: how not to manage a user experience design project.

Article by Joseph Dickerson
Share:How (Not) To Manage A UX Project
5 min read

The best UIs get out of the way and let the experience shine—clear design standards make such interface designs possible.

Article by Mike Maass
Share:Design Standards Let the Interface Disappear Behind the Experience
6 min read

Helping clients understand that UX is a holistic process, not a single action, can benefit everyone working on a project.

Article by Tim R. Todish
Share:UX Is Not A Verb
4 min read

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