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Customer Experience

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Customer retention is one of the most important areas of CX to acquire as a skill. It compiles a multitude of strategies, but it’s definitely worth it in the long run.

Article by Valentin Radu
Share:How Do the Best Companies Retain Customers?
8 min read

There’s your chance to finish this year off on a positive note by taking some steps to put in place an improved B2B customer experience plan across your business.

Article by David Gear
Share:5 ways to improve your B2B customer experience
3 min read

Customers don’t care what they’re worth to you. They want value from you. That’s what keeps them coming back to you and referring you.

Article by Mike Wittenstein
Share:Why The Best Measure Of Customer Value Is The Value You Provide To Your Customers
6 min read

Digital Transformation can seem daunting. How about a simple starting point? Do you want to improve the service you deliver without increasing staff?

Article by Lisa Palmer
Share:Conversational AI: Talking Our Way to Digital Transformation
13 min read

To achieve a profitable and growing business, you need happy customers. However, all too often, the voice of the customer gets lost in the process.

Article by Leticia Cervantes
Share:Keeping the Voice of the Customer Front and Center
5 min read

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