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Valentin Radu

CEO & Founder | Omniconvert

I am an entrepreneur, data-driven marketer, CRO expert, international speaker, father, husband, and pet guardian.

I have spoken at over 100 International events over the last seven years, including DMEXCO, Mobile Web Congress, SMXL, Growth Marketing Conference, MeetMagento, Conversion World, Webit, WebSummit, SemDays, Gpec, HowToWeb, IceeFest, Ecommerce Brazil, LMFA Singapore, TechinAsia, etc.

Customer retention is one of the most important areas of CX to acquire as a skill. It compiles a multitude of strategies, but it’s definitely worth it in the long run.

Article by Valentin Radu
Share:How Do the Best Companies Retain Customers?
8 min read

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