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Tomer Sharon

UX Researcher | Google

Tomer is Head of User Experience at WeWork in New York City leading a team that designs work and living spaces, communities, and services around the world. Formerly a senior user experience researcher at Google Search, Tomer is the author of the book, “Validating Product Ideas through Lean User Research(2016) and author of, “It’s Our Research: Getting stakeholder buy-in for user experience research projects(2012). He founded and led The Israeli Chapter of the User Experience Professionals’ Association and has been preaching and teaching UX  at Google’s LaunchPad program, a bootcamp for early-stage startups around the world, in conferences, and at Treehouseand General Assembly. Tomer holds a master’s degree in Human Factors in Information Design from Bentley Universityin Waltham, MA. He is @tsharon on Twitter and Instagram.

Getting the best possible results from user research requires thorough and reasoned communication at the onset from UX team leaders.

Article by Tomer Sharon
Share:When UX Research Begins, Become the Voice of Reason
5 min read

Keeping quiet and paying close attention are stealth methods for initiating successful research with stakeholders

Article by Tomer Sharon
Share:Listen to Your Stakeholders
6 min read

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