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Sergio Nouvel

UX Lead | Continuum

Sergio Nouvel (@shesho) is a chilean-born designer, Director at Continuum Peru and entrepreneur. He has worked with big companies and small startups in Latin America, helping them building better digital products and innovative business models. He is also co-founder of Get on Board, a job board focused on tech professionals.

Our changing relationship with content and mobile technology is signaling the end of web design as we know it—something that gives us all a lot to think about.

Article by Sergio Nouvel
Share:More Thoughts on Why Web Design is Dead
8 min read

High quality templates, mature design patterns, automation, AI, and mobile technology are signaling the end of web design as we know it.

Article by Sergio Nouvel
Share:Why Web Design is Dead
7 min read

Being a successful mobile designer requires an evolved understanding of how people use their devices, a robust toolkit, and the flexibility to adapt to new technology.

Article by Sergio Nouvel
Share:What Does it Take to be a Mobile Designer Today?
9 min read

Building wireframes in HTML and CSS gives you tremendous flexibility when testing and coding your product.

Article by Sergio Nouvel
Share:Ditch Traditional Wireframes
10 min read

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