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Michael Lai

UX Architect The | Too Hard Basket

Michael Lai is a freelancing and consulting UX architect specializing in infographic and data visualization design. He has worked and consulted in a number of different industries (hospitality, research, IT, science, and engineering) and covered many UX related roles including user research, copywriting, training, graphic design, business analysis, and information architecture. In his spare time he is working on iPhone app and hardware integration, startups, and non-profit organizations.

Portfolio link: https://.dropbox.com/sh/5ojklvmarnhh5vz/xZBo1Pr96A 

Thoughtful inspection of qualitative and quantitative data allows UX professionals to glean genuine insight on user behavior from reams of big data.

Article by Michael Lai
Share:When Does Quantity Become Quality? How to navigate big data
6 min read

Like a healthy marriage, combining UX and agile methodologies requires communication, understanding, and compromise.

Article by Michael Lai
Share:UX and Agile: Tying the knot
6 min read

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