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Matthew Franks

CEO | Modernist Studio

Meet @franknatic, the CEO of Modernist Studio. Matt helps client partners identify user centered product & service opportunities and build strategies to deliver future innovations. Matt is also an avid craftsman who will find any excuse to get to a workshop and build, weld, or CNC something into existence.

The most common fears that hamper the design process and what it takes to transform clients into advocates for your approach.

Article by Matthew Franks
Fear and Loathing in Design Strategy
  • Going through the design process might be scary for clients since it implies exploring new ideas. Many are generally unfamiliar with design strategy.
  • Some common fears include testing ideas on specific demographic groups, using unconventional research methods, and drawing conclusions based on synthesized data sets.
  • These fears create significant barriers to innovation in design and the best way to overcome them is to involve clients in the design process.

Read the full article to learn more about how fear affects the design process, to help you better empathize when this happens.

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8 min read

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