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Andy Budd

Founder | Clearleft Ltd

User Experience Designer and co-founder of Clearleft, Andy is a best selling tech author, curates the UX London and Leading Design conferences and helped set-up The Brighton Digital Festival. Andy is a regular speaker at international conferences like SXSW, Awwwards and The Next Web. He currently runs an online community of over 1,500 Heads, Directors and VPs of Design, and is a founding member of Adobe’s Design Circle. Andy has appeared on both the Wired 100 and BIMA 100 lists, as well as winning agency of the year several times running. Never happier than when he’s diving some remote tropical atoll, Andy is a qualified PADI dive instructor and retired shark wrangler.

None of the routes into Design Management are easy, and a lot of them require being in the right place at the right time.

Article by Andy Budd
Share:Transitioning to Design Management is Hard, Risky and Requires a Lot of Luck
5 min read

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