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Aga Bojko

VP of User Experience | GfK Custom Research North America

Aga Bojko is a UX researcher with a passion for designing studies to answer difficult design- and business-related questions. Currently, she is a VP of User Experience at GfK Custom Research North America, where she leads the Bay Area UX team.

Aga has over ten years of experience with various types of eye trackers that she has used to conduct UX research with software applications, websites, instructional material, pharmaceutical labels, and consumer product packaging. She’s tracked (for a good reason) a wide range of visuals, from butterflies flying across the screen to fresh meat in grocery stores.

Aga holds a BS in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, an MS in Human-Computer Interaction from DePaul University, and an MS in Human Factors from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

An excerpt from the new Rosenfeld Media book, Eye Tracking the User Experience by Aga Bojko answers the question: to track or not to track?

Article by Aga Bojko
Share:Book Excerpt: Eye Tracking the User Experience
5 min read

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