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Jamie Thomson

Experience Designer | Mad*Pow

As a Lego-loving child, Jamie dreamed of being an architect. Now, instead of houses, she creates digital structures to support health behavior change, research and decision making, consumer engagement, and more. As an Experience Designer for Mad*Pow in Boston, Jamie looks to change the world through research-driven design. Some of her clients include the Informed Medical Decisions Foundation, Healthrageous, WellPoint, New England Journal of Medicine, and Aetna.

Prior to joining Mad*Pow, she built her research and design chops in Philadelphia working at Digitas Health and Messagefirst, addressing client needs in healthcare, technology and higher education. She holds a B.S. in Information Systems and an M.S. in Library and Information Science from Drexel University. She occasionally tosses around the idea of getting a PhD, but for now work at Mad*Pow is more than educational enough.

When not busy doing design, she can be found thinking, presenting, and chatting about it locally at Boston UPA and Boston CHI, and globally at the IA Summit, Interaction, and other conferences.

Illustrate stories with journey models to explore problems of long-term engagement and establish a framework for strategic and tactical decision-making.

Article by Jamie Thomson, Megan Grocki
Share:Illustrating the Big Picture
8 min read

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