The 50/50 Rule with ex NASA Chief Dan Goldin
Dan Goldin
former NASA Administrator
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Season 5 Episode 4
As NASA’s longest-running Chief Administrator, Dan Goldin ushered in an era of “faster, better, cheaper” that prioritized safety while pushing the organization forward. He joins Robb and Josh to discuss his approach to innovation and kick some holes in fallacies like the iron triangle, which he calls “horsepuckey.” Goldin was at the helm of major projects, including a redesign of the International Space Station, and various Mars exploration programs.
Robb and Josh dig into his profound 50/50 rule for finding team members who can move the needle on innovation without holding an organization back, which has a surprising connection to the work of Michaelangelo.
About the guest
Dan Goldin was NASA’s longest-serving Administrator, helming the agency from 1992 to 2001. Goldin transformed America’s aeronautics and space program by adopting a “faster, better, cheaper” approach in the face of budget cuts. His leadership enabled NASA to deliver highly valuable products to the American public without compromising safety. Starting with the Space Shuttle program, he transferred day-to-day space operations to the private sector, which enabled NASA to dedicate its resources to long-term, high-risk research and development.
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