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Read these first

Looking to philosopher Albert Borgmann and the wood-burning stove, we see that the Internet of Things must create meaningful interactions in order to succeed.

Article by Thomas Wendt
Share:Internet of Things and the Work of the Hands
8 min read

Looking back over the rapidly changing landscape through 32 years of front-end-development.

Article by Mike Germaine, Katie O'Reilly
Share:A Walk Down Front-End Development Lane
6 min read

Make your processes intuitive and avoid confusing users.

Article by Tammy Guy
Share:Usability Tip: Intuitive Design Clears Confusion
2 min read

Accounting for cue, reaction, evaluation, ability, and timing in your design process can help spur your users into action.

Article by Stephen Wendel
Share:How to Help Your Users Take Action
5 min read

Working directly with autistic users and their support communities provided the design cues necessary to create a robot that helps its users interact with the world.

Article by Jalali Hartman
Share:ONE Robot: Designed by the autistic community for autistic users
4 min read

Creating an online community within your website can enrich customer service, deepen the relationship users have with your products, and grow brand loyalty.

Article by Laith Ulaby
Share:Social Networks can be More than Just a “Like”
8 min read

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