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Interaction Design

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Giving users content tailored to their interests, needs, and location is the key to making the most of mobile technology.

Article by Alon Even
Share:Personalization: The Pillar of the Mobile User Experience
5 min read

A two-pronged strategy for dealing with the Dark Patterns that deceive users, frustrate designrs, and ruin the reputations of organizations and companies of all kinds.

Article by Marc Miquel
Share:Using Open Experience Design and Social Networking to Stamp Out Dark UX
6 min read

Design for Experience award-winner Hackaball bridges digital and physical experiences while teaching kids programming basics.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:What Happens When Kids Can Hack Physical Play?
3 min read

A confusing real-life interface at Los Angeles International Airport leaves an interaction designer with too much soap on his hands.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Oversoaped in Los Angeles #wtfUX
1 min read

It’s possible to predict the success of wearable technology by weighing the price, setup, and learning curve against the value the device brings to users’ lives.

Article by Ben Reubenstein
Share:For Wearable Technology UX Gain Has to Outweigh UX Cost
3 min read

An excerpt from the new O’Reilly book, Designing Connected Products: UX design for the internet of things, explores considerations UXers need to be aware of.

Article by Claire Rowland
Share:What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?
8 min read

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