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Customer Experience

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While the telco industry faces many challenges, conversational AI can help alleviate some of these challenges.

Article by Henry Vaage Iversen
Share:5 Key Ways Telcos Can Improve Customer Experience With Conversational AI
3 min read

Because the outcome of an AI system is dependent on the information it’s trained on, ensuring a system presents a nuanced perspective can be tricky.

Article by Nona Tepper
Share:How Humility Helps AI Work Better with Human Users
7 min read
Humility in AI_ArticleImage

Chapter 3 “Build Agendas Out of Ideas, People, and Time” dives into the intricacies of planning and executing a successful and productive meeting.

Article by Kevin M. Hoffman
Share:Meeting Design for Managers, Makers and Everyone: A Book Excerpt
7 min read

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